Animal poaching is one of the most worrisome and concerning issues conservationists are dealing with. Did you know that each year, approximately twenty-seven thousand African elephants are put down by poachers? This number makes up for a total of a whopping eight to ten percent of the total elephant population. If the situation persists, these beautiful animals may become extinct within a decade.
One of the most effective ways to resolve the poaching issue is to stop the poachers before they hurt more wildlife. Several animal preservation organizations all across the world are already providing facilities where animals have the freedom to roam around and this makes it difficult for the rangers to patrol the entire area. In addition to their efforts, federal and non-federal officials put in their efforts by using AI to fight animal poaching.
What are the Benefits of Using AI to Fight Animal Poaching?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) contributes to the conservation of endangered species of animals and animal poaching statistics is a clear indication of that. Here are a few benefits of making use of artificial intelligence to prevent animal poaching:
Program for Artificial Intelligence in Wildlife Security (PAWS) is an AI software that aids forest rangers in detecting traps and snares. Forest rangers can be more effective and proactive in countering poachers’ deceptive techniques with this device. PAWS collects information regarding illegal poaching in national parks and forests and develops a heat map of national parks and forests as well as illicit poaching hotspots.
Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART) is a machine learning algorithm that can track wildlife movements, poachers, and patrol management. SMART, an artificial intelligence tool, is free to use. It has the assistance of nine international organizations dedicated to the conservation of endangered species.
Artificial Intelligence continues to advance with the passage of time and is now helping us preserve the endangered species by stopping animal poaching. With AI getting smarter, conservationists and other wildlife enthusiasts will be able to stop already endangered species from becoming extinct.