Melbourne May 6th, 2011 – Since the introduction of the Product Trade-In Program three years ago Gamma Solutions has had extremely positive feedback and participation in the program where companies can trade in their aging equipment when they purchase new mobile computers whether it be handheld or vehicle mounted terminals and earn up to $300 cash back per unit they trade in.

“Many of our existing customers have taken advantage of this great offer when it was time for them to upgrade; once their new equipment was up and running they would return their old equipment back to us” said sales executive Stephen Lakey.

Gamma Solutions are now expanding the program to include the new items being released into the market. Now when you upgrade your existing equipment to any of the following products you are eligible for the Product Trade-In Program; the Intermec CK70, Intermec CK71, Intermec CN70 and CN70e, Intermec CN50 and the Intermec CK3 handheld computers; the LXE Tecton and LXE Tecton CS Cold Storage handheld computers, LXE Thor vehicle mounted computer, the MX9CS Cold storage computer and the LXE MX9 hazardous location handheld computer.

If you are interested in the Product Trade-In Program call us on 13000GAMMA (1300 042 662) or email us on and a Gamma Solutions Accounts Representative will contact you.

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About Gamma Solutions.

Gamma Solutions Pty Ltd is an Australian owned company, based in Melbourne, with offices in Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. Founded in 1992, the company provides all the components of mobile computing, RFID and data collection systems such as portable terminals, barcode scanners, barcode printers and wireless networks; as well as professional services including systems analysis, design and implementation, middleware software and training.

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