Quick Start
This section provides an outline of what needs to be installed and configured to set up your EasyADC® network. Each step includes a page reference where detailed information begins in this system manual.
Using the CK30 Handheld Computers
This chapter introduces the CK30 Handheld Computer keypad, explains how to log on and off the CK30, and how to move through the EasyADC Terminal menus on the CK30. Go to Chapter 3, starting on page 35, to learn how to use the CK30.
Using the EasyADC Data Collection Manager
This chapter explains how to use the modules of the EasyADC Data Collection Manager application. The following topics are addressed:
- Using the Remote Terminal Emulator (page 55)
- Using the System Manager (page 56)
- Viewing Log and Error Log Information (page 61)
- Running the Benchmark Reports (page 63)
- Doing the Warehouse Inventory (page 67)