Review just a few successful radio frequency identifcation (RFID) implementations and something about the technology becomes very clear: the value RFID provides comes from improved processes and from how well the technology and processes are integrated with enterprise systems. That is why, despite all the focus on tag costs and product features, fundamental decisions about processes and system design have the greatest impact on the value and return on investment the RFID system provides. It’s also why using experts to assist with system design and implementation is one of the safest and most effective RFID investments companies can make.

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About Gamma Solutions.

Gamma Solutions Pty Ltd is an Australian owned company, based in Melbourne, with offices in Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. Founded in 1992, the company provides all the components of mobile computing, RFID and data collection systems such as portable terminals, barcode scanners, barcode printers and wireless networks; as well as professional services including systems analysis, design and implementation, middleware software and training.

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