What do you enjoy most about your role at Gamma Solutions?
Working with a great team of eclectic fellow employees exceeding expectations, who are there to help everyone and all our customers achieve success. Just call me AL (always learning) StayLinked support.
What’s a hobby or activity you enjoy outside of work that might surprise your colleagues?
Regular plasma donor. Live sound mixing and anything technological at our local Church community for nearly 40 years.
If you could have dinner with any three people, dead or alive, who would they be?
So many great people to choose from… My grandfather from my father’s side, whom I never met as he passed away before I was born. I would have liked to meet him to learn about working on farms with horses.
What’s a recent book, podcast, or show that you’d recommend and what did you learn from it?
I enjoy quiz shows to exercise the grey matter like 1% Club & Hard Quiz. Also solving crosswords.
What’s one thing on your bucket list that you hope to accomplish one day?
Long service leave trip off-grid caravanning to WA. Being involved with our grandsons growing up.